How GIS Is Used for the Transmission of Line Routing
Transmission Line Process:
Transmission lines are used to transmit high voltage current from power plants to substations or industries. These lines are conductors which run over long distances connected to large metal towers placed in private and public places.
GIS is used as a technical tool for transmission lines. As transmission lines follow a complex path, people living near them are very concerned about their health aspects due to the magnetic and electric fields emitted from the high voltage current flowing through wires.
The perfect route selection for a transmission line is a straight line with minimum curves which is the best engineering and economic solution. Practically a straight line route is not possible as the path may come across populated areas inhabited by people of the area that might not be suitable for the construction of towers. Due to such hurdles, the path is cleared by relocating the community or the route of the transmission line is diverted.
GIS Can Play a Major Role:
GIS can help in determining the best suitable path for laying down the transmission lines, to reduce environmental hazards by reducing the cutting of trees to the minimum.
Concepts from spatial data help in creating a route line to keep a fair distance from inhabitants getting affected by the electromagnetic waves emitted from the transmission lines. Here a spatial buffer zone prevents the inhabitants from getting affected by the emissions coming out of the transmission wires.
In the electric power system, the concept of buffer zones can be utilized in visualizing the installation plan of the transformer during the expansion of the electric network. The date of the installation of a transformer can be easily known by just clicking the transformer icon on the map, a table will pop up and will show all the information about that particular transformer. The number of transformers installed in a particular area can also be known with the help of GIS by processing the network area within the buffer zone and provide the results.
CyberSWIFT uses GIS technology in power utility to its full potential to analyze the smooth flow of electricity through transmission and distribution lines. We use the latest technology in GIS to map and digitize the transmission and distribution lines effectively to help companies plan accordingly.