Utility of GIS in Line Patrolling in Transmission Sector

5 min readOct 21, 2021


Balancing the need to foster new markets, improve system reliability, and reduce operating costs is the greatest challenge for today’s utility departments and decision-makers-a challenge that is successfully met with CyberSWIFT’s geographic information system (GIS) and Management Information System(MIS) based web application. GIS gives solutions across the entire department for applications in business, engineering, environmental management, and other disciplines necessary for comprehensive and effective power generation, transmission management, EHV Line patrolling activity.

The transmission department provides the pathway for power within the whole of a state. Department owns, builds, maintains and operates the high-voltage electric transmission system. For maintaining such a huge transmission system one of the main activities in maintaining the EHV Line is line patrolling activity. Line patrolling activity is performed by the respective wing/office under which EHV line jurisdiction falls.

Generally, line patrolling in the transmission sector is being done by the respective staff of Grid Sub Station (GSS) in full or part, from where lines originate/terminate. Full line patrolling means, a line between GSS1 and GSS2 having N Nos. of towers, and is patrolled by any one of GSS1/GSS2 for all towers. Similarly, Part patrolling means, If there is a line between GSS1 and GSS2 having a total number of N towers (e.g.), the same line can be patrolled by GSS1 for X nos. of towers and Y Nos. of towers by Office1 and Z Nos. of towers by GSS2, where N = (X+Y+Z).

In some cases, this activity has to be carried out by an authorized person of the contractor in the Department. In case, patrolling is to be done by the contractor special provisions of the same shall be taken care of while developing the software, so that the same may be distinguished in reports.

Transmission Network Data and Land Parcel Data Are Overlaid on an Aerial Photography Base Map (Source: ESRI)

A GPS-based mobile cum web-based application with a dashboard for monitoring the line patrolling in the transmission sector will act as a tool for the department to monitor the same.

The desired software application will have the following two main components:

  • Mobile App shall run on mobile/tablet and App shall be efficient recording the data as per standard formats of Department by a person while line patrolling.
  • Web App shall be capable of recording/updating master data, Towers, Power Transmission Lines, Zone/Circle/Offices information, Employee information, Assignment of lines for patrolling, broadcast message/report, Authorize user functions, Generation of patrolling reports, Scheduling, Monitoring and have various dashboards for MIS.

Mobile App: An Android/iOS-based App would authenticate patrolling personnel using a photo, User-ID, password, and fingerprint on a device with GPS identification. Provision shall also, be made available for authentication with photographs in case of a problem with a fingerprint reader. Users would be able to view assigned lines for patrolling, pending towers for patrolling. He would be able to record information related to lines/ towers through mobile devices. Users would be able to capture photos and record voice for tower patrolling.

When a user reaches near tower location approx. in the vicinity of 50 meters, App would show the availability of the same on a mobile screen. The app shall have a provision of updating of Latitude and Longitude of towers through mobile application also. In case a user cannot reach a particular location, they can submit the details of non-reachability with valid proof with photographs taken by a mobile camera. In case of network failure, the app would be able to store data in a mobile device and would sync the same as soon as a network connection is restored. The provision of manual refresh would also be provided to sync data if available in device memory/storage.

Automatic submission of report on completion of line patrolling to concerned Office/Circle/Zone. The app will be capable to show the graphical presentation of towers & lines on Map in Mobile according to their position i.e. longitude & latitude. The user will be able to review and update the information entered by him. The user would also be able to view the earlier patrolling reports of the line assigned to him.

Patrolling Through Drone Survey, Live Data Integration on Mobile App (Image Source: npt.com.vn)

Web Application: A web-based application would fulfill the requirement of uploading master data/ reporting/ configuration/ maintenance purposes having Capability of Recording/updating master data, Towers, Transmission Lines, Zone/Circle/Offices information, Employee information, Mapping of employee/office/lines, Utility Mapping of towers & transmission lines, Assignment/ Reassignment of lines for patrolling, broadcast message/report, Authorize user functions, Generation of patrolling reports, Line Patrolling Scheduling, Monitoring, Line/Tower Pending for patrolling, Overrun of the patrolling period, Alerts, and have various MIS dashboards for reporting to Circle, Zone level & Overall Department level, etc.

GIS and MIS Based Web App

Configuration of tower types (Nos. of Circuit) as per format of Department. Software shall be capable of recording multi-circuit towers data. Graphical Presentation of towers & lines on Map according to their position i.e. longitude & latitude. The software would provide a facility to select tower location and record/change data for tower/line, zoom in & out for screen for selected lines/towers. The software shall also generate daily, weekly, monthly, and end-of-cycle reports in various formats for review purposes. The provision of a proper user authorization role would be provided as per the requirement of the Department for activities performed by various users. Further, the entire application shall have a Decision Support System with the following features:

i. Patrolling performance by Person, Office, Circle, Zone Office
ii. Patrolling performance by Month & Cycle/Frequency
iii. Scheduled to inspect due to backlog comparison
iv. Performance by Officer, Contractor/Person assigned for work
v. Performance by Terrain
vi. Performance by Vulnerability

Technical Support: Technical support for software as per the scheduled period will be provided during the contract period and will be part of this technical support.

The technical support period can be decreased /increased up to any extent based upon the requirement of the Department If any new version of android / Chrome/ Internet explores/Microsoft Edge is launched, the same update of the mobile App & Web-based Application will be provided to support the same.

Credit: Malay Biswas

Originally published at https://www.cyberswift.com on October 21, 2021.




Written by CyberSWIFT

We [ https://www.cyberswift.com/ ]are a highly customer-driven concern with expertise in providing geospatial (GIS), Map-making, DGPS survey & IT services.

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